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Danish Oil Painting Female Portrait Girl In The Red Scarf Aalholm Slot Castle Demark

£850    $1,075    €1,020
A beautifully painted portrait, most possibly a member of the family.
Very pleasing quality.
This a directly from Aalholm Slot Castle in Denmark and was retained by the family before the Sotheby’s sale of 1996
Oil Painting on canvas, presented within a fine gilt gesso frame which bears some losses.
This would not be out of place amongst a fine collection of portraits.
Aalholm Slot is situated in a picturesque inlet on the Baltic coast. It was founded as a coastal fortress and became an important royal castle in 1375.
It has been the home of the Raben Levetzau family since 1725, the Danish King, Frederik IV, sold property in order to pay off war-debts. This included Aalholm Slot which was auctioned in 1725.
The Slot was bought by Emerentia Von Levetzau (1669-1746), the widow of Johan Otto Raben (1646-1719), a courier from Mecklenburg. She bought other estates nearby and founded the County of Christiansholm. The estate passed to her son Otto Ludvig Raben (1730-1791), an accomplished flautist who studied in Paris. In 1766 alone, Otto Ludvig performed 157 concerts, many at the Royal Court. He altered much of the Slot in the mid-17th Century, redecorat8ing the East wing in 1761.
When he died in 1791, Aalholm was inherited by Ottos Ludvig’s son, Frederik Christian Raben (1769-1838), an avid natural historian who studied flowers, plants, minerals and astronomy and formed large collections of books, birds and plants. He planted many rare trees in the park at Aalholm. He travelled widely and died in Rio de Janeiro on a botanical journey.
His eldest son, Gregers Christian Raben (1838-1875), was an educated Doctor of Philosophy who studied in Germany. An eccentric character, he refused to continue to live at Aalholm following the death of his beloved wife, Anna Lund, who died childless.
The next notable family member to live at Aalholm was Frederik Christopher (1850-1933) who made a name for himself in diplomatic service. As a young man poste...
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19th Century
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